Chersi Zampar

Associated Notary Firm

Chersi Zampar

Associated Notary Firm

Who we are

The Associate Firm of Notaries Public “Studio Associato dei Notai Giuliano Chersi e Anna Zampar” is based in the very centre of Trieste, in the prestigious Via San Nicolò, the beating heart of the city’s business life.

In more than thirty years of activity, Notary Public Giuliano Chersi has executed more than sixty thousand deeds in all the fields of notarial competence, always offering advice on the best solutions from a tax and civil law point of view.

Since January 2016, Notary Public Anna Zampar, Lawyer, has also been working in the historic Notary Office. After training at the Notary Office “Ajello-Sormani” in Milan, she continues, with expertise and passion, the tradition that has made the Notary Office located at Via San Nicolò 33 one of the most reliable and experienced in the sector for decades.

Thanks to its dynamic and flexible structure, the Notary Office is able to respond in a very short time to any type of request relating to notarial activity, providing all the explanations regarding the rights and obligations of the parties and guaranteeing the protection and full satisfaction of the interests and expectations of both sides.


  • REAL ESTATE SECTOR: The Notary Office has extensive experience in the real estate sector and is able to provide all the information that is useful or necessary for the success of the transaction, including the use of the most recently introduced contractual instruments such as trusts and rent-to-buy.
  • LOAN AGREEMENTS: With regard to loan agreements, the Notary Office “Studio Associato Chersi-Zampar” carries out careful studies to identify and propose the best solutions in the interests of the contracting parties and, if necessary, to modify clauses that may create an unjustified contractual imbalance.
  • COMPANIES’: In the area of corporate agreements, the Notary Office has distinguished itself by successfully carrying out corporate restructurings of well-capitalised companies, becoming a point of reference for important economic realities that are highly dynamic in the face of the constant civil and fiscal changes that characterise corporate law in our country.
  • INHERITANCE: The Notary Office has dealt with a wide range of cases in the delicate area of succession and inheritance, characterised by the careful selection of testamentary clauses to protect the will of the testator and the rights of the heirs, as well as the arrangement of family assets in the complex phase of generational transitions, also using family business succession agreements.
    The Notary Office has also dealt with numerous successions involving individuals residing in all parts of the world. In addition, in accordance with recent legislation, the Notary Office has handled several cases involving movable and immovable property located abroad, with the issuance of the European Certificate of Succession.
  • DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS: The Notary Office can offer advice and useful negotiation solutions for managing relationships between de facto couples.

Studio Notarile Assocaito




In merito ai contratti di società lo studio notarile di Trieste si caratterizza per condurre a buon fine riassetti aziendali particolarmente patrimonializzate, al netto dei continui mutamenti fiscali che connotano la giurisprudenza di questo settore.

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Chersi e Zampar sono due professionisti esperti nel settore delle successioni caratterizzate da una scrupolosa selezione di clausole testamentarie a tutela della volontà del testatore e dei diritti dei legittimari, nonché nell’assetto di patrimoni familiari, avvalendosi anche dei patti di famiglia.

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Loan agreements

Loan agreements

Notary Studio Chersi Zampar Associati carries out scrupulous checks in order to identify and suggest the best solutions for the interests of the contracting parties and possibly modify clauses that may generate an unjustified imbalance in the mortgage contract.

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